All things disney

14 Pins
Are we going to talk about the fact that it looks like Buzz and Woody were caught in bed together?!? This doesn't look like a kids cake.....
I am just putting this here because I dont know what other board to put it in lol. But I thought this was funny and I like Disney Princesses!
Funny Breakup Memes & Ecards | Someecards
Funny Breakup Ecard: Oh, you don't like Disney? Get out! Just get out!
From finding Nemo. i love that movie "nemo just touched the butt" my parents would be thefirst one to do it ;p
Such a freeing song! The feeling when your best kept secret doesn't have to be a secret anymore.
Sorry I like Disney more than the average six year old.
Funny Apology Ecard: Sorry I like Disney more than the average six year old.
Funny Workplace Memes & Ecards | Someecards
Funny Workplace Ecard: I'm quitting and moving to Disney World for the rest of me life! Who's in?
Disney .... ;}... my obsessions include: Harry Potter, Snooki and Jwoww, chocolate, and Disney :)