Kids' parties

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Big Fish Cake and Little Fish Cupcakes
Fish birthday cake
The Thomas the Train snack train I made for my son's third birthday. It was so easy and cheap to make. It's just 3, two packs of aluminum loaf pans from Walmart at 2.50 each (mine came with plastic lids-great for leftovers), a roll of black electrical tape (.60 cents) and of course, Thomas. We had our Thomas, didn't have to buy one.
My Thomas and Friends themed cake for Callum's second birthday. Marbled chocolate and vanilla cake, store bought Betty Crocker frosting (colored green with chocolate coloring powder) Milo powder for the track base and licorice straps for the rails. Add on a couple of toy trains and some candles and you're done!
Thomas the Train Party Ideas – JourneyChic
Princess Themed 4th Birthday Party | Kara's Party Ideas
fruit wands - love the snack ideas for this princess party!
Kate's Motherly Journey
Thomas The Train Engine and Friends Ride In Toys - Perfect for a Train Party Games! - Little Miss Kate
Spring Shower Almond Petits Fours
Polka dot birthday cake: Love the whole hopscotch pattern, which you could do with any cake (or brownies, yum)
Linworth Children's Center | Page not found
What a cute idea! I think anyone might smile to wake up to this on their birthday !!
Jello frosting- works for any flavor! 3 ounce pkg. of Jello (favorite flavor) 2/3 cup granulated sugar 1 egg white 1 teaspoon vanilla Place the above ingredients in a large GLASS OR METAL mixing bowl (OF A STAND MIXER). Turn the mixer on high just as you add ½ cup of boiling water. Whip on high for five minutes