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Dúvida, porque a dúvida não é um pecado, é um sinal de sua inteligência. Você não é responsável por qualquer nação, a nenhuma igreja, a qualquer Deus. Você é responsável apenas por uma coisa, e isso é o auto-conhecimento- Osho
Osho explains sustainability: The new man will be earthly. And by 'earthly' I don't mean materialistic. The new man will be a realist. He will love this earth. Because we have not loved this earth and our so-called religions have been teaching us to hate this earth, we have destroyed it. It is a beautiful planet, one of the most beautiful, because one of the most alive. This planet has to be loved, this planet has to be rejoiced in. It is a gift.
When we make this commitment to ourselves the immense weight of subconsciously wanting approval and validation from others is lifted, leaving a new found sense of freedom to express our truth...in our own way. 🦋💖🙏🏽 #freedom #osho #release #express #affirmations #truth #positive
Many people have come and left, and it has been always good because they emptied some space for better people. It is a strange experience, that those who have left me have always left places for a better quality of people. —Osho
28 Underused Words You Really Need To Start Using
From absquatulate to vituperative, via <a href="http://go.redirectingat.com?id=74679X1524629&sref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.buzzfeed.com%2Fdanieldalton%2F28-underused-english-words-you-really-need-to-start-using&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwordwarriors.wayne.edu%2F_2016%2Findex.php&xcust=4356702%7CBFLITE&xs=1" target="_blank">Word Warriors</a>.