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Las dos caras de Julieta
Photo promoting Almodóvar's film 'Julieta', published on El Pais. Photographer: Nico.
Avertissement de redirection
Victoria Abril, Marisa Paredes dans Talons aiguilles (High Heels); Almodovar.
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Talk to Her Hable con Ella film poster custommade by snafu714 is for sale at!
Volver (2006) Pedro Almodovar. Penelope Cruz
Mirá el primer trailer de "Julieta", la nueva película de Pedro Almodóvar
Julieta || A woman reflects on her troubled history with her estranged daughter and tries to understand the reasons for their separation. Pedro Almodóvar’s sensitive, twisty film is a family melodrama that flirts with becoming a film noir. Its playful sense of foreboding at first seems like a disconnect, but ultimately proves quite powerful.
January is National Drag Queen Month, so here are the men who have been daring enough to dive into the women's wardrobe room and appear on the big screen
l Garcia Bernal in Pedro Almodovar's "Bad Education". Terrific movie if you haven't seen it.
Julieta (2016)
"Julieta" (2016). País: España. Director: Pedro Almodóvar. Reparto: Emma Suárez, Adriana Ugarte, Daniel Grao, Inma Cuesta, Darío Grandinetti, Rossy de Palma, Michelle Jenner, Pilar Castro, Susi Sánchez