
13 Pins
FLASH SALE!!! Enjoy 50% discount and FREE SHIPPING for a limited time only while stocks last! This magical little foot has a guide bar that allows zigzag or overlocking stitches to wrap around edges of fabric, and provides perfect tension needed for you to do so. Your fabric will never unravel, never fray and will always be binded together the way you want it too! Create many designs with this as well! Providing you an edging similar to that of an overlocker, this magical little foot is al...
How to Make the Waist Bigger on Jeans (with Video) | ehow.com
Instead of getting rid of a pair of jeans that is to small in the waist, make them comfortable again by altering the waistband to fit.
How to Hem Jeans like a Professional
My favorite pin EVER! I tried this and it is so easy and you can hardly tell it is not the original hem. Very clever! From the Tiny Tidbits Blog: How to Hem Jeans like a Professional
Crafting park bench with wood sticks and concrete blocks - Easy Cheap Diy Crafts
I➨ Entra aquí y descubre ideas originales para una fiesta Hippie. ¡Es muy divertida y fácil de hacer! ¡Revive los años 60 de la mejor manera posible!
sew much fun
Dot Quilt - if you need to applique circles for a project, this method is excellent to ensure they come out neatly every time. Great idea!