toxic family

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Dysfunctional families always need someone to blame ... because they can't seem to own up to the 'real' problem or see their own behavior.
Quotes about Life
Refuse to inherit dysfunction. Learn new ways of living instead of repeating what you lived through.
My Heart Felt Frozen #NA #drama #frozen
My Heart Felt Frozen:In the spirit of Juno by Diablo-D.N.A. is the story of a teen surviving through the questionable death of her highly dysfunctional family, bullying, and an unplanned pregnancy. D.N.A.stops at being a thriller and romance.
We repeat family dysfunction. I came from many generations of alcoholism. When I was a little kid I wanted to be different than my dysfunctional family, but I ended up just like them. Once I did become clean and sober I ended up being the black sheep of the family. Some family traditions are meant to be broken.
Funny Thinking Of You Memes & Ecards | Someecards
I'd rather walk on sunshine than on eggshells.
What You Don’t Know About Dysfunctional Families, Pain-Based Thinking, and Intergenerational Abuse
Evelyn Ryan, Yourlifelifter Bringing clarity to the root causes and sources of the family dysfunction will significantly help alleviate the self-blame and shame that abuse victims experience and cl…
Codependency Recovery — Counseling Recovery, Michelle Farris, LMFT
When you grow up with alcoholism, addiction, codependency, depression or mental illness, these unspoken rules are common.