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Inspired by Heidi and my love if the Alps. The Fernweh is strong with this one.
55 Pins
Germany Tours & Vacations | Adventures by Disney
Who wouldn't love to vacation through Germany, complete with a stay in a Fairy Tale Castle? Bask in storybook splendor as our Germany adventure takes you through some truly enchanted locations. By bike, foot and ferry you'll explore the uniquely German scenery—as well as the sounds and tastes that accompany them; all with a touch of Disney Magic!
Romantische strasse routen (Romantic Road) Bavaria Germany( Beieren Duitsland ) some of the most beautiful and historic scenery in the world.
人気の観光地を効率よくコンパクトに周遊 日本語ガイド付き ドイツ・スイス 6日間|絶景/周遊|H.I.S. 旅人になろう —総集編—
Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
Near Mittenwald, Bavaria, Germany | Blaine Harrington III
Near Mittenwald, Bavaria, Germany