shire garden

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Chives, winter savory, thyme, basil, oregano, tarragon and sage fill these containers to make a gorgeous, edible container garden.
Chives, winter savory, thyme, basil, oregano, tarragon and sage fill these containers to make a gorgeous, edible container garden.
Garden Ideas, Design and Inspiration | Ideal Home
Hosta: You can grow Hostas just about anywhere. While they thrive on a little sunlight, they're also very tolerant of the shade. Their bold leaves - grey-green, striped with white or gold - are the prettiest part of the plant, although the tall flower stems appearing in summer add interest too. They require very little care - just pay attention to them in spring with some organic fertilizer.
Grow your own fresh herbs in any place or climate.
Herb Gardens | How To Grow Herbs Indoors and Out
Nasturtium Seeds
Nasturtium- Plant near tomatoes to improve taste. Repels white flies and spider mites
Mini Spiral Garden
Mini Spiral Garden - interesting way to add depth and perspective in container gardening