Inspirational Thoughts

Inspiring thoughts and quotes.
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2009 vs. 2019 — april bern
Dear Fear, I want you to just FUCK OFF and leave me alone. For good this time. I’m so fuckin’ tired of you holding me back all the time. I can’t do anything without you being there. I’m so sick of it. Get the fuck out of my life. I’m so much better without you. Go find another victim to torment and leave me be. not sorry, April p.s. I found a new lover- Trust
2009 vs. 2019 — april bern
Dear Fear, It’s been a while, huh? I remember telling you to Fuck off ten years ago, and I’m really happy that we parted ways. It was rough, those first few months, but I learned to rely more and more on trust and it’s been pretty amazing. I’ve done more in these past 10 years than I ever thought I would. I’ve accomplished so much and have created a pretty amazing life, now that you’re out of the way. not sorry, April
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In the past, I might have answered this question with some straight up encouragement, like a lot of self-helpers tend to do. We think we should just speak louder than the critical voice inside of us. You WILL rise to the occasion! You CAN figure it out! You HAVE got what it takes! While those declarations may be true, I think we’ve been missing a step toward inner strength-building… The first thing to do with that inner critic voice is to have compassion for it.