
20 Pins
Say goodbye to doggy breath with this easy, healthy fix! 🐾 Mix 1-2 tablespoons of plain kefir with freshly chopped mint 🍃 and parsley 🌿. These natural ingredients help freshen breath, fight bacteria, and support your pup’s digestion. Serve it as a tasty treat your dog will love, and enjoy those snuggles even more! Try it today and let us know how it works for your furry friend! Credits: The Z Cattle Dogs(TikTok) #dogsofinstagram #purrfectlyadorablearmy #petlovers #pets #dog #fresh #mint #mint...
6 Doggy Sleeping Positions That Tell Us A Lot About Our Beloved Pup
LT DoggysleepPositions Leadimage
9 Ways To Tell Your Dogs You Love Them In Their Own Language
9 Ways To Tell Your Dogs You Love Them In Their Own Language - Page 4 of 4
9 Ideen, wie du deine Haustiere glucklich machen kannst