Black bullet

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How to Draw Rentaro Satomi from Black Bullet step 11
Black Bullet: BD Vol.2
Black Bullet
#ブラック・ブレット ひつじニット2015 - 鵜飼沙樹のイラスト - pixiv
Black Bullet
Black Bullet - Anime Wallpaper - Anime Desu
Black Bullet wallpaper in Anime Desu
AniChart: Seasonal Anime Charts
Day 66: Black Bullet... im glad I started watching this when it was already almost over, otherwise it may have lost me. I would have liked it a lot more if it had focused more on its unique story about the cursed children and less on the bug squashing and typical cliché fight for humanity that's been done a million times before and much better. idk if there will be more beyond the 13 episodes iv already seen or if ill watch them if there is. I might just for Enju. 3 stars
Black Bullet. An interesting thing regarding the main character Rentaro Satomi is that his hairstyle changes between the anime, manga and the original light novels.
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