Special Education | Activities & Resources

Ideas and resources for activities at the early childhood level for special education. Ideas for pre-academic, receptive language, expressive language, communication skills, sensory activities and arts and crafts. This board is great for early childhood special education teachers use in their special education classroom, for speech/language pathologists and parents.
131 Pins
Introducing Circle Time In A Preschool Special Education Classroom - Autism
Introducing circle time/morning meeting to your young autistic students can be a challenge! I'll give you permission to skip "calendar time" and asking students to "raise their hands" 🤣. Let's be real...those things aren't happening in my classroom. Are you the same? In this FB Live replay, I'll be sharing some ideas and tips to help you get started creating predictable routines within circle time that will help your students move toward active engagement!
Adapted Books For Special Education
Adapted books for special education are a game changer! They can increase engagement and make books and literacy more accessible to all children.
Exploratory Play: Tips For Children Who Dump Toys
Exploratory play is a crucial stage in a child’s development, especially for young autistic children. It’s a time when they begin to understand the world around them, develop fine motor skills, and explore cause-and-effect relationships. The Hanen Centre, a renowned organization specializing in speech and language development, offers valuable insights into this pivotal stage.
Autistic Definition & Prevalence
Now let’s talk about the prevalence of autism over the years. Over the past 25 years, there has been a significant increase in the reported prevalence of autism. This rise can be attributed to a variety of factors, including increased awareness, better diagnostic tools, and changes in diagnostic criteria.
Recess Social Story
Recess is a crucial part of a child’s school day, offering a chance to unwind, socialize, and engage in physical activity. However, for autistic children, this unstructured time can be overwhelming and challenging. By incorporating strategies like using social stories and visual cue cards, we can create a more inclusive and supportive recess experience that caters to their unique needs.
Autism Preschool Classroom
Do you struggle with how to set up your autism preschool classroom? Are you feeling unsure about where to start with the physical layout and daily schedule? I’ve been there. I’ve had so many requests to share my setup and schedule! I’m hoping this information along with my free Autism Classroom Guide will help anyone looking to re-vamp their autism preschool classroom.
Adapted Books Special Education
Whenever we can make activities hands-on, the better the engagement! One way is by using visuals to place inside the book. Another way is to use play-doh and squish it on the cue card as you find each picture in the book. Play-doh makes everything more fun and interactive!
This may contain: a child is playing with toys on the table, and it says 3 ways to follow the child's lead
Autism - 3 Ways To Follow The Child's Lead!
3 steps to following the autistic child’s lead: Watch and Learn: Quietly observe what the child likes and how they play. It’s all about paying attention, not jumping in, and noticing the child’s passions! Join In & Narrate: Join in the play and narrate what they are doing or add some sound effects, like exclamatory sounds (“uh-oh!”, “yay”, “wow!”). Play Together: Join in and play the way they play. Then, model some little play extensions to help scaffold and then show them new ways to play.
This may contain: it's time for the next adapted book challenge with pictures and stickers on the wall
Adapted Books For Special Education
Free challenge with visuals for 5 books. For special educators, speech/language pathologists and parents of young autistic children! Increase active engagement, improve vocabulary, and make reading fun again! Sign up for the free Adapted Book Challenge at www.autismlittlelearners.com/challenge ➡️ 5 day video series ➡️ learn how to make adapted books ➡️ visuals for 5 back to school themed books ➡️ supplemental activities: flannel board pieces, play-doh smash cue card, & visual art projects
Back To School Matching Activities For Special Ed
Pre-K back to school activities for special education are fun and build emerging matching and vocabulary skills! ⭐ 3 Interactive Visual Stories: * What Are The Kids Doing? * School Supply Feelings * Colorful Backpack Match ⭐ 8 Pre-K Back To School Matching Activities * Match The Playdough * Match The School Supplies * Line The Children Up In The Hall * Match The Marker Emotions * Match The Crayons * Put The Desks In The Classroom * Match The Book To The Same Color * Count The Markers
Ways to Use Adapted Books in Special Education Classrooms
Making books accessible to all learners is so important. If your student or child has a language processing delay, adapting books will help them in many ways. Many of our young autistic students come into the preschool setting and are working on foundational skills, such as matching. They may open and flip a few pages in a book but aren’t yet listening to an adult read to them. We can start teaching matching skills by using adapted books in special education.
This may contain: an image of a poster with the words, visual schedules made easy online course
Visual Schedules Autism - Online Course
Come join me in the Visual Schedules Made Easy online course! Quickly learn how to create, organize & implement visual schedules to promote independence for autistic children. • Self-paced • Lifetime access • 5 modules with 25 lessons • Visual schedule templates • Video library showing visual schedules in use • Workbook • Handouts for parents & staff Go to www.autismlittlelearners.com/go to enroll!
This may contain: a woman holding up two signs with the words free visual supports webinar
Free Visual Supports Webinar
Join me for a free webinar where I will share the 7 visual supports that transformed my early childhood special education classroom! • June 10th, 13th, and 15th, 2022 • Go to: www.autismlittlelearners.com/webinar to sign up now! • Space is limited, so register ASAP.
This may contain: three steps to making a new activity out of a puzzle with missing pieces for kids
Object To Picture Matching - Special Education Activity
Puzzles with missing pieces can be so frustrating. Do you throw the whole puzzle away? Do you keep it with the hope that the piece(s) will turn up? I’ve got a solution for you. Create an object to picture matching game using the remaining puzzle pieces. Step One: Find a puzzle with missing pieces that you want to repurpose. Step Two: Search Google Images for a picture for each remaining puzzle piece. Tip: Put the word "clipart" after the word you are searching to get a cartoon type picture. Step Three: Print & laminate the pictures! READY TO GO! If you would like to download a free pdf template to upload your pictures to, in order to make sure they all are printed out in the same size, visit my blog post at: https://autismlittlelearners.com/object-to-picture-matching-game/
This contains an image of: Speech Therapy Visual Schedule
Speech Therapy Visual Schedule