Travel tips

42 Pins
What to pack for Costa Rica in the Summer
Planning a trip to Costa Rica in the summer? Check out this guide to everything you need to pack to stay dry and cool! (Okay, maybe not dry and cool. But at least to make the best of the heat and rain!)
Travel Tips for Costa Rica -- in the summer
Is summer a good time to travel to Costa Rica? How much rain gear do you need to travel to Costa Rica in the summer? Check out this guide for what you can expect on a trip to Costa Rica in summer!
Last Minute Christmas Gifts For People Who Love To Travel
Looking for a last minute gift guide for someone who loves to travel? This gift guide has some last minute ideas for everyone from road trippers, to cruisers to world travelers!
Holiday Gift Guide For Cruisers
Looking for some gifts for the person in your life who loves to cruise? Look no further! Check out this gift guide that includes everything from stocking stuffers to luggage. (Yes, luggage is really hard to wrap, but it's still a great gift!)
The 8 Worst Travel Decisions You Can Make on Vacation
The 8 Worst Travel Decisions You Can Make on Vacation