
13 Pins
25 Hacks To Make Room For A Baby In Your Tiny Home
Install a fold down changing table. / 25 Hacks To Make Room For A Baby In Your Tiny Home (via BuzzFeed)
Love the floating branch hanger, good way to use the branch my dad brought us
Organic Nursery Decor And Baby Room Ideas | Estella
Moon Lily silk mobiles for baby's nursery, nothing more beautiful.
How To Use IKEA Spice Racks For Books (or the easiest DIY wall mounted bookshelf)
nurseries and kids rooms: using IKEA spice racks as bookshelves
Absolutely love this. So cute @Ashley Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Binkley
Love the idea of grey walls with a grey/white striped accent wall...then could throw in an accent color once we find out the sex
8 Fun Finds From Pottery Barn Kids' Fall Sneak Peek
I love the idea of gray walls and furniture and all you'd have to do is add in other colors depending on the gender. - This website is for sale! - baker-builder Resources and Information.
Para descansar bien, jugar tranquilo y crecer contento, un ambiente con colores neutrales, con detalles en madera y tejidos suaves que armonizan el lugar. ¿Ya descubriste la materia Creciendología de la Escuela Huggies? Ven, mira:
A Minted Glam Nursery Design From Veronika's Blushing
Fawn Over Baby: A Minted Glam Nursery Design From Veronika's Blushing
Freddies Nautical Nursery - Lay Baby Lay
baby nursery with slightly nautical feel, with grays, whites, and touches of yellow. #nursery #gray