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Standing Holy was born to Sitting Bull's fifth wife, her name was Seen by Her Nation. She was the sister of Grey Eagle. Standing Holy was born 1878 and died in 1920. She was married twice. Firstly to Urban Spotted Horse then in 1915 married John Black Wolf. I added the text and border because of the condition of the original but the original was the best photo of her I've found so far.
Very rare and important, original, 1880’s photograph of Native American Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux Chief Gall taken by D. F. Barry. Photograph of this giant (both in stature and in prowess) of a Sioux Chief was likely taken at the Standing Rock Agency sometime in the 1880's. Wiki
Shout At, Oglala Sioux - Heyn Photo, Omaha, Nebraska, 1899.
Richard White Bull (c1879 - ? ), Oglala Lakota - Also known as Tatanka Ska. He was the son of (?) White Bull... - Heyn Photo - 1899.
Left Hand Bear, Oglala Sioux chief. - Fourth and last in a series of four hand-colored platinum prints gifted to the Library of Congress by David A. Rector. - Original photo by Heyn Photo, Omaha, Nebraska, 1899.
Shout At, Oglala Sioux. - Third in a series of four hand-colored platinum prints gifted to the Library of Congress by David A. Rector. - Original photo by Heyn Photo, Omaha, Nebraska, 1899.
Strikes With Nose, Chief, Oglala Sioux. - Second in a series of four hand-colored platinum prints gifted to the Library of Congress by David A. Rector. - Original photo by Heyn Photo, Omaha, Nebraska, 1899.
Bone Necklace, council chief, Oglala Sioux. - First in a series of four hand-colored platinum prints gifted to the Library of Congress by David A. Rector. - Original photo by Heyn Photo, Omaha, Nebraska, 1899.