horse armour

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Faux Chainmail for Horses Ponies or Minis to Be Worn With Crinet Medieval Equine Armor Barding Costume Equine Neck Armor Costume - Etsy
gorgeous head armor on a horse, barding
Art Resource
Horse armour presented to King Henry VIII, Flemish, c1510. Known as the ‘Burgundian Bard’. This armour was presented to King Henry VIII by the Emperor Maximilian I. The armour consists of saddle-steels, reins, shaffron, crinet, peytral, crupper and flanchards.
Attributed to Romain des Ursins | Shaffron and Crinet (Horse's Head and Neck Defenses) | Franco-Italian | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Shamfron Armor used to protect the front of a war horse's head in medieval times.
Leather Medieval Horse Chamfron
I'd love to take up leather working and start making medieval and renaissance costumes for myself and my horse
Original painting
Graham Turner - Caballos de guerra del siglo XIV.
Horses & Carriages for Film & TV
Steve Dent - Horses for Film and Tv