Exhibit design

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Hennessy #Veryspecial - Concept 2018 - Hoai Tran Zum.Be
Hennessy #Veryspecial - Concept 2018 on Behance
Arthitectural - Bringing Interior to Life
ADRIA GOULA - this abstract display method is very dramatic. It is again, so very simple but it draws the viewer in to the display - which are actually only small printed images. The contrast of black and white through experimentation with light and shadow emphasises the displayed material without distracting the eye.
Modern, Beautiful & Creative Signage
Bañadores de luz by Font Barcelona. Wall Washer by Font Barcelona:
snapshot memento : scenography for a photography exhibition
Snapshot Memento: Scenography for a Photography Exhibition
大山作品:建聲聽覺-高雄旗艦店 /室內設計 | 大山開發建築師事務所/ 大山空間設計/ 大山開發營造
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Una sencilla forma de exposición pero que dirige la atención perfectamente a través de un juego de contrastes de blanco/negro, luz/sombra, líneas oblícuas hacia dentro y hacia fuera...
Whimsical Rocket Coffee Table Uses Playful Design for Functional Furniture
Extravaganter Raketen-Tisch. Abgefahrene Idee für jeden, der es garantiert nicht langweilig mag! #rakete #tisch #wohnen #diy #glastisch
Backlit exhibition stands
Effectief opvallen met #backlit #verlichting