
16 Pins
How to grow Philadelphus, where to plant it and how to prune Philadelphus
How to grow Philadelphus, where to plant it and how to prune Philadelphus
Which Hedge?
Which hedging plants will be suitable in your garden? Pictures, descriptions and growing conditions included. Buy from
11 Best Smelling Plants for Your Yard - Most Fragrant Plants
Best smelling plants for the garden
Painted Rock Ideas For The Garden - Container Water Gardens
Are you looking for a fun project that adds a touch of whimsy or inspiration to the garden, or maybe just a weekend diversion for the kids? Painted rocks might just be the idea you’re looking for. They come in so many variations from funny rocks and cartoon characters to meditative stones and scripture quotes… …
A Bubble Fountain DIY
Now that the worst of the heat has broken for most of us, it's time for outdoor projects to get underway again