toilet rolls

14 Pins
10 DIY Wall Decor Ideas, Recycled Crafts and Cheap Decorations Adding Interest to Empty Walls
recycling toilet paper rolls for cheap decorations on empty walls
{ the vintage wren }
Everything needed to start a nice blazing fire. (dryer lint and empty toilet paper tubes wrapped in news paper)
Empty toilet paper rolls painted, decorated and clever is this! The website is in another language, but you can see the example!
You might need Babelfish for this one – Falikép papírgurigákból – Indie Crafts
toilet paper tubes
Junior Fritz Jacquet is an artist that loves working with paper and has created a series of small masks by bending and folding empty toilet paper rolls.
Upcycle an empty toilet paper roll -- a gift box! @LeAnn Barker don't throw those toilet paper rolls away!!! LOL!
GrrrlHub | Women's Magazine for (by) Unapologetic Women
WREATH MADE FROM EMPTY TOILET PAPER ROLLS @Andrea / FICTILIS Samples this made me think of you.