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When art is therapy
[ Love Box - " a callaboration in mixed media " / Children's Art Therapy Calendar ] ----- brilliant! This gives me many, many ideas! Thanks Kids! =]
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Abstract Art kids will create an abstract work using everyday m,aterials and scraps of fabric, cardboard, wood and string to create a "collage" on a piece of masonite. I will purchase 2 colours of bright spray paint. The kids will then take turns spray painting their work to get the entire thing a solid colour. ( some teacher help likely required)
history of newbridge silverware - Google Search
Easy Leaf Line Art Project Tutorial
Fun little project-- love how NOT messy it is! :) We used colored markers instead of just black, and then we cut out our leaves and mounted them on colorful paper. Simple and fun, and I thought drawing the patterns was nice and relaxing. :)
Lines and shapes. I will have a feather in my first tattoo because I am Pequot Indian and proud of it! ;)
Shop | Eco Art
Assignment: Create a work demonstrating interesting positive/negative space. For bottom layer: cut long strips from magazines and glue side by side on a piece of paper. For top layer: Cut an interesting, balanced design away from a sheet of white paper and glue on top of the other sheet you covered with magazine strips.
Recycled Paper Dalia
Recycled Paper Dalia - If you'd like to make your own flower, all you need is toilet paper rolls (or paper towel rolls) and craft glue. Flatten the rolls, cut into bands (a toilet paper roll should give you about four circles). Pop them out a bit so that you have a flower petal shape, and glue together on a flat surface, in any pattern you desire!
How to Paint Raindrops on a Leaf in Watercolour
How to Paint Raindrops on a Leaf in Watercolour | Features | Painters Online
Watercolor Pencil Art Lesson: Colorful Whimsical Abstract Art Tutorial — Art is Fun
A fun step-by-step art lesson demonstrating how to create colorful abstract art using watercolors, watercolor pencils, and masking fluid!