Old Book Covers

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francis A Willey
Ghost Book-Hardcover Photographic Fine Art Book- Second Edition of 100.Canadian artist Francis A Willey, an Environmental film Photographer, Piano Composer and Poet presents his first published book of ethereal images. 'Ghost' is his photographic journey into the psyche and soul and shroud of humankind.
≈ Beautiful Antique Books ≈ Elementary Lessons on Insects by James Needham, 1928
Beautiful Books: The Romance of Zion Chapel by Richard Le Gallienne
≈ Beautiful Antique Books ≈ Le Royaume Enchanté
Timeless, opulent designs
Grammar of Ornament...Owen Jones 1910
≈ Beautiful Antique Books ≈ Earth, Sea and Sky, 1887
F r o w z y I n d u l g e n c e s
Jules Verne