
16 Pins
Learn French #5: How to Conjugate Regular Verbs in French
There are 3 kinds of regular verbs in French: -ER, -IR, -RE. Once you’ve learned the rules of conjugation for each of theses three kinds of verbs, you should be able to conjugate regular verbs in each of those categories with ease. Use the illustration below as a guide!
How to express Disagreement and Agreement in a conversation? 50 expressions in French
These french words (called connectors) will help you: – Gain time to elaborate your next sentence or idea – Make the conversation without any empty silence – Avoid the syndrome “Did you understand me?” since you will react faster. – Sounds more sophisticated Do not hesitate to share. :)
French Pronoun En and Y: How to use it?
Talk in French French Pronoun En and Y: How to use it in grammar
50 Common French Phrases Every French Learner Should Know
1Global Translators (1globaltrans)
il faut vs Devoir #learn #french
How to express Disagreement and Agreement in a conversation? 50 expressions in French
French people love to argue or debate so having these little words and expressions right below come in handy! These french connectors will help you: - Gain time to elaborate your next sentence or...
Mon école: text to read & comprehension activities
Free French eBook and 5 French websites every French teachers should know!
Free French eBook and 5 websites every French teacher should know!
15 Great French Comics to Learn French
50 Common French Phrases Every French Learner Should Know
Learn 50 Casual, Everyday French Phrases You Oughta Know. Example: Quoi de neuf? What's new? Super Useful for French Learners. (+a PDF bonus). Do not hesitate to repin
The 25 Most Useful French Phrases I Learned While Studying in France - Maurine Dashney
The 25 Most Useful French Phrases I Learned While Studying in France
The Funniest French Expressions (and How to Use Them)
How to speak French, the French way! Learn some new French expressions today! The French language is so cool!