Crafting Homemade Soap

Making your own soap at home can feel intimidating at first, but with a little practice, you'll quickly get the hang of it. This board features hot-process soap recipes, along with cold-process recipes that can be adapted for hot-process methods if desired. Explore new ingredients, experiment with different oils, and discover the satisfaction of crafting your own natural, homemade soap.
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5 Tips for Making Soaps for Eczema
Learn how to make natural cold process soaps for eczema, plus plenty of recipes to get you started!
10 Common Soap Making Mistakes and Troubleshooting Tips — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead
10 Common Soap Making Mistakes (Troubleshooting Soap Making Problems) — Home Healing Harvest Homestead
Gentle DIY Exfoliating Soap
Customizable soap recipe with botanicals & essential oils. Looking for a quick and easy DIY project? Try this melt and pour soap with the invigorating scents of chamomile essential oil and eucalyptus essential oil. Add some crushed herbs or oatmeal for a touch of exfoliation.
How to Render Elk/ Deer Tallow
We try to use every part of the animal when we hunt animals. This time while I was making bone broth from an elk my husband shot, I got beautiful tallow! After doing some research I found out ways to render tallow and finally got to experiment with a tallow soap recipe! This soap is extremely conditioning and my husband and I just love it! #homemadesoap #hunting #elktallow #renderingtallow #useeverypart
Soapmaking 101
Learn how to make soap using these step-by-step instructions. (Plus FREE Printable Checklist!)
How to Make Luxe Liquid Tallow Soap for the Holidays!
✨ Make your own luxurious liquid tallow soap! This DIY recipe is perfect for holiday gifting — moisturizing, natural, and versatile for hand washing or dishes. Customize with your favorite essential oils like peppermint or lavender for a personal touch. 🎁 Handmade gifts that nourish the skin and show you care! Pin it for later and start crafting today! 🧴 #DIYSoap #LiquidTallowSoap #HolidayGifts #NaturalSkincare #HandmadeGifts #EssentialOils #TallowSoap