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nycballet on Twitter
Tiffany pointe shoes... would have loved these for my dancing years
We have a place for you to dance so pick a class & join us at TRU dance!
Dance Quotes
#dance #life #lovedance Dance is a part of me. A part of who I am. It has entered my life. Taken over my body. It is in my walk, in my movements, in my thoughts, I have become a dancer.
Diet And Exercise Motivation
@Talia Akers @kellieboda Wow Kellie really caught the light of you in this photo of your morning stretches...
Unique Engagement Shoot: 'Dancers Among Us' Style
Unique Engagement Shoot Inspired By ‘Dancers Among Us’ | Sandra Marusic Photography | Bridal Musings
Ballet Photography by Vihao Pham | Art and Design
That feeling when you leap, when you feel like your flying torwards the sky, that makes you feel like dance is the only way you can truly express yourself...
Jordan - Rochester City Ballet
Holy shaiza. I'm posting because it's aesthetically pleasing, not because I would ever be able to attempt this, EVER in my life