14 Pins
9 Constructive Fidgets That Promote Focus
bending and playing with paperclips is one example of using a figt toy to help your ADHD mind focus
5 Simple Ways to Motivate a Child with ADHD
If you are teaching a child with ADHD, use these ADHD motivation tips to keep them on track and avoid power struggles at home or in the classroom.
Get More Done with a Body Double
You may see your productivity increase as you try this ADHD tip.
Adult ADHD: Am I Just Lazy? Um, no.
Have ADHD? You're NOT lazy. You are NOT stupid or crazy. Promise. "People with ADHD make decisions based on different criteria than importance and consequences. Interest, Challenge, Novelty, and Urgency are how WE get things done.
"If You Love Me, Please Take This Seriously"
"When you love a person with ADHD, life is harder. We understand that. But life can also be more vivid and more rewarding if we can figure out a way to break the blame-control-argue cycle together."
Why difficult conversations are worse for people with ADHD - The ADHD Homestead
Why difficult conversations are worse for people with ADHD - The ADHD Homestead
17 Things to Love About Your ADHD!
Don’t mistake your ADHD strengths for symptoms! They are unique traits and abilities that make you more creative, spontaneous, caring, and energetic than anyone you know. Here are a few of our favorites benefits of ADD.