
13 Pins
Table of Functional Group Priorities for Nomenclature
This is a functional group priority table. It is helpful when naming compounds with multiple functional groups.:
Functional Groups in Organic Compounds
Functional Groups in Organic Chemistry- Good review for #MCAT takers and #premed hopefuls @scrubspeak
Organic Chemistry Reaction Mechanisms SN2 vs E2 vs SN1 vs E1 | Michael Jiang
Organic Chemistry Functional Groups Cheat Sheet - MCAT and Organic Chemistry Study Guides, Videos, Cheat Sheets, tutoring and more
Organic Chemistry Functional Groups Cheat Sheet - print this guide for a handy reference to the common groups you will come across during IUPAC naming and advanced reactions:
SN1 SN2 E1 E2 Organic Chemistry Study Guide Cheat Sheet
Substitution & Elimination Reactions