Diy home decor

109 Pins
So if you haven’t figured it out by now...I really like playing around with toilet paper rolls!! I know that sounds funny...but what better way to up cycle something that would ordinarily just go in the trash?! I have made other versions of wall art with them and I have done kids craft with...
Transferring pictures to tiles by using Nail Polish Remover. This is freaking ingenious!!!
DIY: How To Transfer An Image To A Rock! -
Transfer an image to a rock, diy, do it yourself, image transfer, image on rock
DIY Vorratsgläser selber machen – Leere Nutella Gläser stylish upcyceln!
DIY Vorratsgläser selber machen – Alte Nutella Gläser stylish upcyceln! Heute zeige ich euch, wie ihr aus alten Gläsern (ganz egal ob Marmelade- oder Nutellaglas) stylische DIY Vorratsgläser selber machen könnt. Ich habe diese DIY Idee schon öfters mit amerikanischen Mason Jars gesehen, die aber in Deutschland leider sehr teuer sind. Deshalb meine günstige Upcycling-Variante: Leere Gläser eignen sich genauso gut wie Mason Jars dafür!
The Nest
DIY lampshade instructions. Definitely doable. Supply list: lampshade rings, double-stick adhesive paper, fabric (plain inside, patterned outside, in my case)
Reader Question: Lampshade Decorating – Plaster & Disaster
Lampshade Decorating - Using a stencil to spray paint the exterior found on - Plaster & Disaster
Reader Question: Lampshade Decorating – Plaster & Disaster
Lampshade Decorating - Using a stencil to spray paint the exterior found on - Plaster & Disaster
2.1M views · 26K reactions | Upgrade Your Fridge | Upgrade your fridge with these useful products! 👌 Get 'em all here: Fridge Liners: Bottle Magnets: Chalkboard Labels:... | By Tasty Home | Facebook
Upgrade Your Fridge #organize #label #fridge #spacesaver
29M views · 240K reactions | 5 Genius Lazy Susan Ideas | These unconventional lazy Susan ideas are genius! 👌 | By Tasty Home | Facebook
Platte zum Drehen selbst machen 5 Genius Lazy Susan Ideas #DIY #hack #space #counter #kitchen