Healthy food

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This contains: RICE CAKE TRUFFLES by @emilyxlevi

These were so quick to throw together and such a fun snack for us and our toddler.

★How you can make them

8-10 rice cakes

1 banana

5 pitted medjool dates

1/3 cup peanut butter

Dark chocolate for dipping

Blend together the rice cakes, banana, dates and peanut butter in a food processor (you may need to add more rice cakes in one at a time if they don't all fit).

Roll them into tight balls then dip into dark chocolate.

Store in an airtight container in t
Rich Cake Truffles 😋
RICE CAKE TRUFFLES by @emilyxlevi These were so quick to throw together and such a fun snack for us and our toddler. ★How you can make them 8-10 rice cakes 1 banana 5 pitted medjool dates 1/3 cup peanut butter Dark chocolate for dipping Blend together the rice cakes, banana, dates and peanut butter in a food processor (you may need to add more rice cakes in one at a time if they don't all fit). Roll them into tight balls then dip into dark chocolate. Store in an airtight container in the fridge and enjoy!
This may contain: a stack of waffles topped with whipped cream and sliced bananas on a plate
Waffles deliciosos y saludables de manzana canela ✨
10min · 4 servings Ingredientes • 1/3 taza de leche • 1/3 taza de avena • 1/2 manzana • 1/4 cdta canela • 4 gotas stevia • 1 huevo
This may contain: cinnamon rolls with icing on a white plate
Cinnamon rolls de avena ✨con horno y sin horno
Flan bajo en calorías, fácil, rápido y sin horno Receta de Judy