DIY & Crafts that I love

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Egg topiary in a pink or blue vase with pastel colored shimmering eggs. - Tea Laden
Topiarios Huevo de Pascua - Easter Egg Topiaries
How to make the perfect bow DIY tutorial | How to make bows, Bows diy ribbon, Diy bow
Diese 20 DIY Wohndeko-Ideen mit Spraydosen bringen Farbe in dein Leben!
DIY Wohndeko-Ideen mit Spraydosen, Äste besprühen, Herbst-Deko, Winter-Deko zu Weihnachten "Sich spiegeln in Gold, Silber und mehr"
GrrrlHub | Women's Magazine for (by) Unapologetic Women
Gold Rock Candle Centerpiece- or use other color spray paint or mod podge glitter. Could do this with pumpkins instead of candles.
String Art on Canvas
This Canvas String Art Graffiti project is fun for kids and adults alike. While this is a spray paint project, you can use alternative paints or dyes for younger children.
Family Handprints on Canvas
DIY Family Handprints & Pawprints on Canvas. Simple & easy project! Check out my blog for the details :)
Renuzit Pearls Odor Neutralizer
All that glitters is design gold. For this DIY fabu-lamp, match your glitter of choice with your favorite Renuzit Pearl scent. Once complete, let the good times shine!