Craft Beer DIY Tips

22 DIY Ways To Reuse Empty Booze Bottles
Apply glue in sections, wrap empty bottle in twine working your way up or down. Cute vase or decoration.
33 Rustic Home Decor Ideas To Transform Your Space Into A Cozy Retreat
Beer Holster: File under Hipster Trend, but funny gift for the beer drinker. I would hope anyone I could gift this too would be drinking a local craft beer! This is just awesome! lol
60 DIY Projects That Will Spruce Up Your Life Instantly
This post = PERFECT - 23 DIY Projects For People Who Suck At DIY
16 Impressive DIY Ideas How To Recycle Empty Bottles | Architecture, Art, Desings - Daily source for inspiration and fresh ideas on Architecture, Art and Design
Bottle window
bottle window, great idea for man cave!
PalletArt Clock | Cool Material
beer cap clock. I'd have to switch some of them out, but a good reason to drink 12 different beers, OR buy 12 different 6 packs!
bottle cap fishing lures {handmade christmas presents for men} (2 Little Hooligans)
Bottle cap fishing lures {handmade christmas presents for me...
How to Make Wind Chimes
Make Your Own Wind Chimes! • Creative & Cool DIY Wind Chime Ideas & Tutorials!
Mosaic Cocktail Coasters - Running With Sisters
Mosaic Cocktail Coasters made with jar lids, tiles and resin. Great instructions and can make it say anything you want
Make Drinking Glasses from Beer or Wine Bottles
Make Drinking Glasses from Beer or Wine Bottles (I love doing this with etched craft beers and wine bottles). Click for DIY VIDEO!
Upcycled Wine Bottle Jute and Chevron Vase Wedding Reception Shower Home Decor
Upcycled Wine Bottle Jute and Chevron Vase Wedding by aRestfulHome, would be such an easy diy!! Just add a piece of fabric for the chevron...great idea!
22 DIY Ways To Reuse Empty Booze Bottles
Coasters! So you can drink more drinks: | 22 DIY Ways To Reuse Empty Booze Bottles