
30 Pins
Pet Supplies, Accessories, and Pet Food - Pet Stores
Built-in food dishes. No more doggie bowls to move around when sweeping/mopping.@christysterling
Schluter DITRA Over Wood in a Bathroom
Learn how to waterproof a bathroom floor and prevent mold problems...great tips for anyone tiling a bathroom floor
Klopapierhalter - woodel (Modell Dreiloch, Variante B) - ein Designerstück von Dein_woodel bei DaWanda - Decoration for House
Klopapierhalter - woodel (Modell Dreiloch, Variante B) - ein Designerstück von Dein_woodel bei DaWanda
Add a cabinet to any dead space in your kitchen or laundry room for cleaning supplies.
like the idea of cleaning product storage behind a door in the pantry. Does not need to be very deep.
DIY Wood Floating Shelf - How To Make One
Learn how to make Wood Floating Shelves with DIY Pete! Simple, affordable project that looks great. Check out the video, post, and free plans here:
100+ Ways to Use Repurposed Old Doors
diy old door projects | Desk DIY: Recycle old door into new desk - Handy Father | Projects