Osteogenesis Imperfecta

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Here's the cutest little girl with a brittle bone disability called Osteogenesis Imperfecta. I knew the second I saw her picture that this little girl lives with OI just like me. I am so lucky to have such a mild form of the disease!
Nov. 24, 1864 was the birthday of French artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (d. 1901)… Toulouse-Lautrec was the victim of a genetic defect that made his bones brittle and unable to heal properly after breaking. He ceased growing in early adolence and was left abnormally short and walking with a limp. His disability possibly made him acutely sensitive to the life of outsiders and others stigmatised by difference. Certainly his art consistently depicts the everyday of the down and outs of Paris...
The Middle Child Star Atticus Schaffer
Atticus Shaffer plays Brick in The Middle, overcomes "Brittle Bone" disability
Fragile by BeatrizMartinVidal on DeviantArt
Osteogenesis Imperfecta.......painting by Beatriz Martin Vidal
Scrubs Mag | The Leading Lifestyle Magazine for the Healthcare Community
Story of a nursing student with osteogenesis imperfecta. If she can do it, I can quit my whining and do it too!
Brittle Bones - Kindle edition by S.E. Pearl. Children Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.
Brittle Bones (Kindle Edition)
Cheryl and Keith Wyse adopted four girls with brittle bone disease
Cheryl and Keith Wyse adopted four girls with brittle bone disease