
37 Pins
Cooking in Crisis
When the lights go out... Learn the 10+ Methods for Cooking off Grid!
Build an Ultra-Efficient DIY Wood Stove for Backpacking
Build an Ultra-Efficient DIY Wood Stove for Backpacking : TreeHugger - that is the title of the article. I already live in the woods. I need something simple for when the electricity goes out.
Beautiful touch, well made, lovely design. Forged curtain pole finial, handmade ironwork by Tom Fell - Blacksmith
With commonsense planning, you can survive hard times - Backwoods Home Magazine
Suggested years supply of food for a family of 3
Emergency Preparedness - Week 4 "Emergency Binder & Cash Stash" | A Bowl Full of Lemons
Emergency Preparedness Series (This blog shows step by step instructions to creating an emergency preparedness station in your home, 72 hour kit, etc.) - A Bowl Full of Lemons
Simple Survival Gear Mods - Sticks for Survival - Part Three
Stealth Survival: Simple Survival Gear Mods - Sticks for Survival - Part Three
Peak Prosperity – Information you can't afford to live without
Practical Survival Skills 101 - Fire Starting
Call Me Hats
alwaysberyan: thanksandgoodluck: bushsmarts: How we make camp bread using a light weight aluminum pot. Need to try this sometime. Maybe do a test run at home. Dutch oven is the way to go
check list
Calamity Survival Checklist
survival kit- i haven't seen this one yet, might have to make one. Modify for the kids at school?
Make a Survival Kit out of an Altoids Tin
How To: Make a Survival Kit out of an Altoids Tin (and Two More Lifesaving DIY Projects)
Your Family's Go Bag for National Preparedness Month
September is National Preparedness Month, Assemble Your Family's Go Bag