flower pots diy

8 Pins
Quick, DIY, Origami Flower Pots From Recycled Newspaper
Make your own DIY origami flower pots for seedlings from recycled newspapers. They make great biodegradable pots that can be planted with your seedlings. They're quick to make and can be planted directly into the garden so as not to disturb the roots of seedlings. (And, yes, most newspapers use safe inks!) #origami #gardencrafts #garden #vegetablegarden #thethingswellmake #miy #upcycle #recycle
Blumentöpfe selber machen aus Einweggläsern - einfache Upcycling Ideen
DIY Upcycling Ideen. Süße Blumentöpfe selber machen aus Einweg Gläsern. Schöne Ideen für das Basteln mit Nutella Gläsern. #upcyclingideen