02 Taurus

17 Pins
Notre-Dame de Lausanne, The Labours of the Months in the Rose Window
Notre-Dame de Lausanne, The Labours of the Months in the R… | Flickr
Bobbio, San Colombano, mosaico del pavimento
Bobbio, San Colombano, mosaico del pavimento | renzo dionigi | Flickr
The Labours of the Months, April: Picking Flowers and Making Wreaths
The Labours of the Months, April: Picking Flowers and Maki… | Flickr
The Labours of the Months, Avril, Taureau, cueillette des fleurs
The Labours of the Months, Avril, Taureau, cueillette des … | Flickr
The Labours of the Months, April
The Labours of the Months, April | The Shaftesbury Psalter, … | Flickr
The Labours of the Months, April
The Labours of the Months, April | Book of Hours Brotherton … | Flickr
The Labours of the Months, April
The Labours of the Months, April | Calendar page for April w… | Flickr
Psalter, MS M.934 fol. 2v - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Psalter, MS M.934 fol. 2v - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan Library & Museum
Two folios from a dispersed copy of Nuzhatnāma-yi ʻAlāʾī, MS M.790.1, recto - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Two folios from a dispersed copy of Nuzhatnāma-yi ʻAlāʾī, MS M.790 fol. 1r - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan Library & Museum
Al-Sufi's "The Book of Fixed Stars". This copy was made in Prague in the 15th C and is known as "Catalogus Stellarum Fixarum", Codex DA 11.13 - Google Search