
37 Pins
Virtuelle Besichtigung Große Glasflächen, ein „schwebender“ Wohnkörper mit Geschoss hohen Fensterelementen und ein klassisches Satteldach – das CONCEPT-M 210 Musterhaus in Günzburg begeistert mit außergewöhnlicher Architektur und im Inneren mit Design und Wohnkomfort. Großzügige Wohnflächen, kombiniert mit ruhig gelegenen Rückzugsräumen, sorgen für höchsten Wohngenuss. Einige Besonderheiten: das mit einem echten Baum begrünte Atrium, der Wasserdampfkamin zwischen Wohn- und Essbereich, der Fah...
37 Ridiculously Awesome Things To Do In Your Backyard This Summer
Build a swimming pool out of bales of hay. | 37 Ridiculously Awesome Things To Do In Your Backyard This Summer
7 DIY Swimming Pool Ideas and Designs: From Big Builds to Weekend Projects - Home Tree Atlas
7 DIY Swimming Pool Ideas and Designs: From Big Builds to Weekend Projects
Here are 10 truly awesome yet easy to construct swimming pool ideas to turn your backyard into a dose of refreshment!
A Beautiful Swimming Pool Created With 10 Pallets | iCreatived
A Beautiful DIY Swimming Pool Created With 10 Pallets
7 DIY Swimming Pool Ideas and Designs: From Big Builds to Weekend Projects - Home Tree Atlas
7 DIY Swimming Pool Ideas and Designs: From Big Builds to Weekend Projects - #1 The dumpster pool - DIY above ground swimming pool
Cool Makeshift Swimming Pool: 5 Practical Tips
These are interesting, creative, and economical way to make your own swimming pool! You can choose from a wide variety of temporary swimming pools. Depending on your level of construction skills, you can easily build one, and save yourself from the cost of a permanent swimming pool.
14 Creative Ideas For a Better Backyard
Your house is defined by its interior as well as its exterior. Most people focus on decorating the inside of their homes and forget about their backyard. In fact, paying attention to your backyard is as important as decorating the inside of your home. Let's see how you can make your backyard more beautiful with these creative ideas.
14 Creative Ideas For a Better Backyard
Your house is defined by its interior as well as its exterior. Most people focus on decorating the inside of their homes and forget about their backyard. In fact, paying attention to your backyard is as important as decorating the inside of your home. Let's see how you can make your backyard more beautiful with these creative ideas.
Urban Courtyard for Entertaining | homify
Outdoor Kitchen and Fire pit Urban Courtyard for Entertaining. Inspired Garden Design - Urban Courtyard
Enjoy your evenings outside by lounging around a Belgian Fire Ring. An ideal addition to your outdoor setting, this fire pit is easily constructed with Belgian Block and heavy-duty adhesive.
The Ultimate Guide to Above Ground Pools: Everything You Need to Know!
Above ground pools can be even more beautiful than their expensive counterparts!