
I ❤️Pugs!
37 Pins
Baby pug. (KO) "I wanted to sleep in your shoe because it smells like you. I missed you. Could we snuggle now"?
Dogster: Dog Care, Health Guides, & Shop by Veterinarians & Experts
This pug puppy exudes an air of calm and peace. Pug puppy and spring flowers by Shutterstock.
"I always take things too far."
“I always take things too far.” | 17 Dogs Who Understand How You Feel About Pizza
U is for Utterly awesome...How awesome is this Pug frog....U is hard, hopefully this Pug frog makes you smile.
High fives little pug!
♥ Clean pug! Pug Love dog doggie puppy boy girl black fawn funny fat outfit costume
Pizza Inflatable Chair, $40
37 Awesome Things You Need To Put On Your Wishlist Immediately
These Funny Pug Pictures Are Doggone Cute!
"I've lost my ball...what am I gonna do?"... Click on this image for more pinable pictures of #dogs #puppies and #Pugs
Android - Cutest Paw
Pug puppies are too cute. #WeLoveDogs #WeLovePugs @AnimalBehaviorC
Hello again, Karl!
Cute little pug qualifies for the frenchie board!
So even though not everyone understands your love affair with French fries...
So even though not everyone understands your love affair with French fries… | 18 Struggles Of Everyone Who Is Constantly Hungry
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Dog pug clothes oncey MADE TO ORDER on Etsy, $27.51
Love love love this little baby <3