
18 Pins
La Luz!
LOVE this clean look #cafe, #restaurant, #interior
Viceroy Hotel Group | Viceroy Hotels & Resorts
Beautiful looking #tapas served at Viceroy Miami!
Cool to do background with that texture, behind random units of a shelved wall. Slowpoke espresso, Fitzroy, Melbourne, 2011
Italian Restaurant Café Artcurial Opens With Refreshed Interiors on Champs-Élysées
Café Artcurial Restaurant Paris 1 Italian Restaurant Café Artcurial Opens With Refreshed Interiors on Champs Élysées
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Epicures of Hyndland in Glasgow. Handmade tiles can be colour coordinated and customized re. shape, texture, pattern, etc. by ceramic design studios
True Burger Bar (Kiev, Ukraine) - anya garienchick
True Burger Bar (Kiev, Ukraine) by anya garienchick, via Behance
Lights from Kitchen & Household Items • Recyclart
50032245829886478 VDIznusv c designersblock.blogspot.com1 Lights from kitchen household items in lights diy with Wires Reused Recycled Light Candle Bottle
Donny's Bar brings some good old country vibes to suburban Sydney...
I love the decor in this cafe/ bar - particularly the wall lighting, but also the stools and those great little table decorations using old tins and glass jars