
47 Pins
Youth Activities
Have one person sit in front of a white board while the others write a positive phrase about them. Take a picture to give to the student. // great beginning/end of the year wrap-up exercise.
Teacher Lab and Reading Notebooks
Glue ribbon to back cover of notebook to use as a bookmark in reader's response journals.
Running records: A Great Idea!
Running records - use address labels, clipboard, and large index cards. Write your notes on the address labels as you walk around and observe. Later, stick them onto the child's index card. Quick and easy! Then, during parent/teacher conferences, just pull out the notecard and share your observations.
This is a bulletin board where students can put up anything they are proud of, whether it’s a picture, drawing or good grades. I like this because the kids choose what they post!
Similes Projects: Similes About Me and Mix-n-Match Similes
Pinned this last night and spent the afternoon making one with my 9 year old daughter. It turned out so cute. She learned about similes and metaphors and now I have a sample for my class next year!