Set Design

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Photos: Parsifal ROH December 2013
Angela Denoke as Kundry and Simon O'Neill as Parsifal in Parsifal © ROH / Clive Barda 2013 by Royal Opera House Covent Garden, via Flickr
"Gefährliche Liebschaften" v.l. Friederike Ott (Cécile de Volanges), Michele Cuciuffo (Vicomte de Valmont), Genija Rykova (Präsidentin de Tourvel), Michaela Steiger (Marquise de Merteuil), Ulrike Willenbacher (Madame de Volanges), Philip Dechamps (Chevalier Danceny) (c)Tanja Dorendorf/T+T Fotografie #Cuvilliéstheater #Muenchen #Buehne #Gefährlich #Liebschaften #KatrineWiedemann #Affaire
National Theatre of Scotland's production of Let The Right One In. Atmospheric, funny & moving - a fantastic play.
#wasistlosimresi |
Madama Butterfly from Teatro Delle Muse ”Franco Corelli”, Ancona (2012/13). Production, sets and costumes by Arnaud Bernard.
Interview de Chantal Thomas, décoratrice