
34 Pins
Van Morrison - I think a good measuring stick of a true artist is that they are versatile and can have many different styles and sounds. Van optimizes this little philosophy of mine. He crosses so many genres: folk, rock, soul, jazz, blues (and although I don't like to admit it) maybe even a little country. :)
just draw something on a page pf a book and cut it out, then maybe frame it on coloured paper
The fiddle, an integral part of Irish and Celtic music throughout history, will be featured in our Classic Celtic album, out TOMORROW!
The lonely - Sherlock by Mi-caw-ber on DeviantArt
The lonely - Sherlock by on @deviantART (3 june 2014) //i love this style of shading
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Grace Kelly Original Pencil Drawing Minimalism Fine Art Portrait Glamour Beauty Classic Hollywood1950s
Travis English
Harry Potter postersThe Boy Who Lived Series by Travis English PRINTS AVAILABLE AT OR ON ETSY
500 Greatest Albums of All Time
#29 - On their first album, Led Zeppelin were still in the process of inventing their own sound, moving on from the heavy rave-ups of guitarist Jimmy Page's previous band, the Yardbirds. But from the beginning, Zeppelin had the astonishing fusion of Page's lyrical guitar-playing, Robert Plant's paint-peeling love-hound yowl, and John Paul Jones and John Bonham's avalanche boogie. #orangecountyrealtor #jeffforhomes #greatestalbums
Alex, bassist. Dave, drummer. Graham, guitarist. Damon, singer by Julian Opie
Julian Opie - " Blur ", 2000, National Portrait Gallery, London. (Originally done for their Album cover)
New Zealand based Naked and Famous are one of 2011's prized indie bands. Their electronic sound is slightly reminiscent of the 80's, but so way cooler. Check out "Punching in a Dream" or "Young Blood" which are two really great songs they put out this year.