Fitz and ward

I cant because of wat u did to me
14 Pins
Oh this scene!!! Poor Fitz. I think he took the news about Ward the hardest. He trusted Ward. They had been through so much together and he had taught Fitz so much, only to find out that he was using him the whole time.
I think he did this to save their lives. He could have shot them or done something to make sure they died but he chose to do this because he knows how smart they are And knew that if anyone could survive that, it would be them. They would know what to do. also fits is like the dog with his cute eyes
'Agents of SHIELD' inspired by Brett Dalton and Iain De Caestecker's bromance
Remember that adorable "Marvel's Agents of SHIELD" episode "The Hub"? The one where Fitz and Ward have to go on a mission with little hope of survival and become true friends after? That was inspired by the real-life love fest between stars Brett Dalton and Iain De Caestecker.
'Agents of SHIELD' inspired by Brett Dalton and Iain De Caestecker's bromance
Remember that adorable "Marvel's Agents of SHIELD" episode "The Hub"? The one where Fitz and Ward have to go on a mission with little hope of survival and become true friends after? That was inspired by the real-life love fest between stars Brett Dalton and Iain De Caestecker.
jemmasfitz: Joss Whedon, Brett Dalton and Iain... - Fire Breathing Bitch Queen
At first i was angered because i saw ward in this picture but then i realized that its brett not grant and i love these three and this picture is the cutest! <--- the whole fandom right now
Truth and Beauty
YES. Love is the strongest thing we, as humans, have. As shown by Fitz & Simmons. #agentsofshield
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on Twitter
S2 Ep18 "The Frenemy of My Enemy" - How are they going to get out of this one? #AgentsofSHIELD
I appreciate how Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. uses every cliche in the book and then makes fun of them.
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
What a smart way to alert the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.! #AgentsofSHIELD #ItsAllConnected
Haven't seen season two yet, but I know this will hurt
New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
Leo Fitz: I'm Agent Grant Ward, and I can shoot the legs off a flea from 500 yards, as long as it's not windy. Jemma Simmons: I'm Agent Grant Ward, and I could rupture your spleen with my left pinky... blindfolded! Grant Ward: I'm agent Grant Ward. I just jumped out of a plane without a parachute on, and saved your life! || #Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #AoS #AgentsofSHIELD
"I did explain in great detail exactly what I meant, using the queen's bloody English!" - Fitz - Haha! I love this show and Fitz and Simmons are my favorite characters! Well, and Coulson...and Lola (not technically a character but she's awesome!).