
36 Pins
My mom has and will always be there for me. Everyone says I'm just like her which I'm fine with because she is one of the most strongest, beautiful, honest, caring person I know. I love you ma!
feather tattoo, rib tattoo... UGH this is what I've been wanting but with a peacock feather and lyrics to true color
#lovequote #Quotes #heart #relationship #Love perfectly said. Facebook: http://ift.tt/14w2ZAE Google+ http://ift.tt/14w2ZAG Twitter: http://ift.tt/14w2XZz #couples #insight #Quote #teenager #young #friends #group #bestfriend #loveher #lovehim #valentine #
perfectly said.
{Friday Favorites} Pinterest Pins
While He Was Napping: {Friday Favorites} Pinterest Pins
In the last hour or so sitting at work i just feel drained of energy... nap and a movie maybe