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random beauty
I got that story part down but the writing and editing.????? Could use a bit of assistance here 'cause we get by with a little help from our friends!
"I prefer to sit back and take it in." "I love listening to others talk." This happens to me every day. Sometimes, not EVERYBODY has to participate. Sometimes, you need someone who can sit back and look around. And that's not weird. It's who they are comfortable being. Without listeners, who would ever be able to speak?
Friday Inspiration: Quotes I Love
Sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary simply by doing them with the right people.
Find three hobbies you love: one to make you money, one to keep you in shape and one to flex those creative muscles!
Expectations Vs. Reality: 11 Pinterest Quotes In Real Life
Pinterest Vs. Real Life: The Truth Behind The Inspirational Quotes #refinery29 http://www.refinery29.com/pinterest-quotes-reality#slide3 There is much assumption of jealousy-fueled "haters" in the inspirational-quote world. Why focus so intently on the effects your life and actions are going to have on people you don't like? Why is proving others wrong or “showing them up” such a concern? Can we please free ourselves of this burden and look forward instead? Unshackle yourself from what ...
Weekend chat on change & self love // 10 favorite links
Need to remember this. I worry so much about making other people happy - and I tend to neglect myself.