music quotes

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Journey - Don't Stop Believin' This song remindes me so much of Cory (Finn on glee) R.I.P :(... he didnt die, he just "took a midnight train going anywhere" :( so sad...
quote - quotes - i hope you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded that for me, it wasnt over - adele, lyrics, someone like you, music
Sam Smith - "I'm Not the Only" I can't get this song out of my head. Love this song.
Adele - Set Fire To The Rain Quote
tough lesson to learn... id take real and genuine over fake and phony anyday!
Sam Smith- Stay With Me | "Oh, wont you stay with me/ Cause you're all I need/ This ain't love, it's clear to see/ But darling, stay with me" | Absolutely beautiful song!