chickens licken

13 Pins
DIY PVC Chicken Feeders: Affordable Feeder in 8 Easy Steps
PVC Chicken Feeder Here's a chicken feeder that's easy to fill, hard to spill, safe from non-chicken life forms, weather resistant, easy to make, and inexpensive!
DIY Chicken Coop Corner. Smart and easy way to assemble hardware cloth screens
Hardware mesh is placed in a trench around the perimeter at an angle to keep burrowers out, and then plastic coated galvanized wire fencing (4 feet high) is nailed on the outside of the fence, including on the gate. The hardware mesh overlaps the wire fencing about 12 inches.:
Pallet Chicken Coop: Part One
Great step by step instructions. She found pallets for free at their Re-Store. Also used Re-Store kitchen cabinets for access doors and windows.Cool ideas.
See this image on How To Build A Chicken Coop
Ikea home for chicks - IKEA Hackers
Love this idea from Ikea. Nesting boxes easily remove to clean simply and efficiently! Gonna do this!