
9 Pins
DIY Harry Potter Peg Dolls
Create your own Harry Potter character peg dolls to play with, collect, or give as gifts! #harrypotter #pegdolls #diy #craft #paint
a really cool domain parked on Park.io
Hogwarts Gryffindor Uniform Robes - Harry Potter - House Colors - Quilt Block Pattern - Foundation Paper Piece Patch - PDF Download
Harry Potter(more)
Cornish Pixie, a #free #harrypotter #paperpieced pattern by Michelle Thompson, on fandominstitches.com
Free Harry Potter quilt patterns and quilt block patterns. Sew a special quilt for your favorite Harry Potter enthusiast.: Hedwig Quilt Block Pattern
Block 18 I can haz a Mandrake! Stop by this post to see how I made fuzzy ear muffs from plain quilting cotton.