Fit Quickies Gallery!

Got your copy of Fit Quickies: 5 Minute Targeted Body Shaping Workouts yet? Take your picture with the book so we can put it on this Pinboard!
39 Pins
NEW in the Fit Quickies Gallery - all the way from New Zealand! Jessica Parsons, welcome! Jessica is a VegSource Blogger and McDougall Star
Emily Barth Webber is the newest in the Fit Quickies Gallery!
Susan Powers - study for the S.A.T. or a Fit Quickes workout? No contest! Taken at Avid Reader Davis Fit Quickies book signging
Ken Rudolph, CBS TV anchor for Good Day Sacramento at KMAX!
Lindsey arrived at the Fit Quickies book signing party at Avid Reader, Davis, with a giant bowl of apples and big boxes of vegan, oil-free cupcakes. Lindsey, you are welcome at my events ANY time! Adorable!
CBS TV called: Fit Quickies on Good Morning Sacramento - Lani Muelrath | Mindful, Active, Vegan Living
CBS TV/KMAX anchors - instant Fit Quickies fans! DSCF8670-001
Janice Bird - the newest treasure in the Fit Quickies Gallery! Says Janice, "I'm a believer!!"
Trish and Katelin are co-owners of Sprout Wellness Center. Says Katelin, " I highly recommend Lani's book, Fit Quickies...especially for those with lengthy computer hours!"
Jill Nussinow, the "Veggie Queen" - Fit Quickies fan and friend!
Caroline and Hunter - "the Love couple" - join the Fit Quickies Gallery - Earth Day, Berkeley celebrations
Gene Baur joins the Fit Quickies Gallery. Gene recently finished the LA Marathon in respectable time of 3:22 and is training for the Lake Placid Ironman. Fit for the cause!
Ginger and Marion are IN the gallery!
With Nancy on CHIP launch night - new fit buddies!
Bette Statham says "[Fit Quickies has saved my muscle tone. I was unable to do my regular exercise while having and recovering from Flu and I'm singing your praises girl! Thank you again. Its the little things that have made the difference.(Your exercises) I'm 58 and feeling fantastic.Thank you again. Its the little things that have made the difference.(Your exercises) I'm 58 and feeling fantastic.Thank you again. Its the little things that have made the difference.(Your exercises) .
CHIP program launch Paradise, CA. Complete Health Improvement Project invested in a Fit Quickies book for every participant - and they just got their copies!