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INTP Personality (Logician) | 16Personalities
We're also that one friend who makes really bad jokes. Oh wait, that's just me... I suspect that most INTPs are wittily punderful.
once you get everything figured out you don't actually feel like doing it
Everything INTP: Photo
Yes. Intelligence and common sense(which is sadly not a common thing) and sense of morals before appearance.
Why does this happen so often? 'Yes! I'd love to!' Time of event nears 'why did I say yes to this.....'
I have learned to fake it, but I can't when my energy drops past a certain point. It's a limited ability.
Haha they couldn't decide what mental age INTP's were..."45 going on 3"
Maybe that's it. I might not notice passive-aggressive the first...dozen...times or so
INTPs are either obsessed or not interested. So true! All or nothing, baby.
INTP Quirks
INTPs constantly feel like they are missing the piece of the mental puzzle that would lead to a better solution.