
8 Pins
Marble Race Kids Party Games
Marble Race –-using only your feet, how many marbles can you get out of a bucket of water in just one minute? Fun!
my whole life is on the tip of my tongue
Tech Tuesday - Variation on the spoon catapult. Which works better? Test it to find out.
Scouts - 404-PageNotFound
Paracord cobra weave - dead easy bracelets, woggles etc. or braid backpack straps for survival cord storage.
How to Make a Pumping Heart Model: A Science Project + Lesson
Science Project for kids: Make a pump to show how your heart pumps blood (Valentines day science)
Gifts for young scientists, artists and makers
My son had a blast using these stones as a jumping off point to tell his own tales! Native Americans often used symbols to tell stories. Some symbols looked just like the concepts or objects they represented and others were more abstract. My son and I went to a Native American tribe's website to look up symbols so that we could make our own (super simple!) storytelling stones.